Valentinos Charalambous

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From the Valentinos Charalambous’ personal website:

From 1952 until today, I have been a creative ceramist and a teacher in the field of ceramic art. My work is divided in three themes, (a) murals, (b) three-dimensional sculptures and (c) large wheel-thrown bowls [κούππες].

I come from a family of traditional potters from Famagusta, Cyprus and have studied the ceramic art in England [1948-1952]. In 1957 I was invited to organize the Ceramics Department at Baghdad’s Academy of Fine Arts, Iraq, where I lived and worked for the following 30 years.

During my studies at the Central School of Arts and Crafts in London and at the workshop of Bernard Leach in St. Ives, Cornwall · I had the chance to be inducted by the masters of ceramics in the spirit, the demands and the pursuit of a new movement in the field of hand-crafted ceramics [in contrast to the industrial ceramics].

Through my long career as an artist and teacher, I believe that my work sits within the framework of the characteristics and general parameters of the international ceramic art world. At the same time, my work doesn’t shy away from it’s greek [identity] as well as cypriot identity with clear influences from the many middle east cultures.